Our new year is underway with meeting one now ticked off. It was good to see a collection of “the usual suspects’ as well as a number of visitors – Tury, Tim, Violeta, Thomas, David and Tamara.
The topic if this evening’s meeting was “Improving your inkjet printing”, a topic that a number of members have wanted to learn more about for some time. Rather than getting a representative of one of the major manufacturers along to spruik their wares we made use of a number of short instructional videos sourced from online training company www.lynda.com. One interesting tip was about how to test the tonal range of your printer using just monochrome images before adding colour to the mix. Another lesson covered the importance of not trying to push your colour range beyond the gamut range of you printer.
Between lessons there was ample time for questions and discussions amongst those present. It will be interesting to see if members are able to put lessons learnt to good use in preparing for our first open competition in two weeks’ time.