Critique/competition Rules

Number of Entries

Members are allowed to enter a total of six (6) prints and four (4) images in the digital projected image section.


  • Shall measure not more than 20″ (51 cm) x 16″ (40.5 cm), including the mount.
  • In the case of a panorama an area equal to 20″ (51 cm) x 16″ (40.5 cm) in any configuration.

Required Documentation

  • Members are required to write their name and image title on the rear of their print (we have a label template for printing on Avery DL14 adhesive labels may be downloaded from the critique/competition page).
  • Additionally, members must complete a Participation Entry form, which can be downloaded from the critique/competition page, and completed to match the information on the rear of the print. This entry form must be submitted to the Competition Secretary on the night of the meeting, along with your print(s), between 7:00pm-7:30pm.

Digital Images

Sizing and formatting

  • Digital images will not exceed 2Mb in size.
  • The pixel dimension shall not exceed 1920 pixels in width and 1200 pixels in height. (Note: You cannot switch these dimensions to be 1920 pixels in height and 1200 pixels in width)
  • The image resolution will be 72 pixels/inch.
  • The colour profile shall be sRGB.
  • All images must be saved/presented in the JPEG format.

Naming of files

  • All digital images submitted must be named and numbered using the following naming convention:
    <Two Digit Number> <Name Surname> – <Image Title>
    01 Rob Goodall – My Photo Title
    The two digit number will change depending on how many digital entries you have on any particular month.
  • If you choose to submit your entry form with your digital images please ensure your name is part of the digital entry form file name.

Required Documentation

  • Members shall lodge their entries with the person nominated by the Competition Secretary ( by midnight of the preceding Sunday to a Wednesday night critique.
  • Members are required to complete a Participation Entry form, which can be downloaded from the critique/competition page, and submit it to the Competition Secretary on the night of the meeting.

General Rules

  • There will be a Monthly Critique or Competition Night which will include digital and printed images, either in colour or monochrome.
  • To enter a Monthly Critique or Competition Night a person must be a financial member.
  • There shall be only one grade of members in the monthly critique or competition.
  • The Competition Secretary shall determine if a print or digital image is suitable for display and complies with the stated subject definition of the critique or competition.
  • A print or digital image that receives a Merit, Credit, Acceptance, Gold, Silver or Bronze award shall NOT be allowed entry into any future monthly Competition Night. Only entry in the club ‘Top Shot Award Night’ will be accepted.
  • A print or digital image that has been given any award,  shall not be entered in any future monthly competition in any other form. On the rear of the print, or the mat on which it is mounted, there shall be a record of: the name of the author; the image title; the date on which it was submitted for competition; any award it received.
  • A member must reveal to the Competition Secretary the competition history of any image if requested.

Scoring and Awards

  • The evaluator/guest photographer of the monthly competition night may award an image a Merit, Credit or Acceptance based on their qualities.
  • The number of awards given shall be at the discretion of the guest photographer.
  • IWPS uses three (3) levels of award: Merit (4 points), Credit (3 points) and Acceptance (2 points).
  • During the monthly competition members shall be able to vote for the Members Choice Award in each category of print and digital images. This will award four (4) points for a Gold, three (3) points for a Silver and two (2) points for a Bronze – these awards are tallied up by an executive committee member from the members ballot cards collected that night.
  • The Competition Secretary shall keep, or cause to be kept, a record of the awards given by the guest photographer and Member Choice Awards.
  • On critique nights the focus will purely be on critique, no points will be awarded.