Exhibition: Chasing Light

Date - 05/12/2024 - 02/03/2025
12:00 am


We are excited to announce we are holding an exhibition of works by members of IWPS:

Chasing Light: a photographic journey

Dates: 5th December 2024 to 3rd March 2025

Location: Ironbark Gallery, Strathfield Library and Innovation Hub

Artist: members of the Inner West Photographic Society

Link: https://www.strathfield.nsw.gov.au/Play/Ironbark-Gallery

Watch a video of the exhibition.

At its heart, photography is a dance with light; a delicate act of capturing its fleeting essence to preserve moments forever. Without light, there are no images, no moments, no memories. The essence of Chasing Light therefore lies in this pursuit of capturing the interplay of light and shadow to evoke powerful storytelling.

Chasing Light is a contemporary exhibition showcasing the works of fifteen talented photographers from the Inner West Photographic Society (IWPS). Each member of this diverse group, shares a common passion for photography and a dedication to capturing beautiful, evocative and meaningful imagery. Through their unique perspectives, they invite you to experience the world in a new light, to feel the emotions they have felt, and to perhaps view the world from a different perspective.

The Inner West Photographic Society (IWPS) is a vibrant community of photography enthusiasts committed to enhancing their skills in a supportive and enjoyable environment. Members come from all areas of the Inner West and bring with them different levels of skills, knowledge and experience in photography. With regular meetings and a focus on mutual respect, IWPS fosters both personal and collective growth in the art of photography. IWPS gathers twice a month to meet, everyone is welcome to join and explore the world of photography, regardless of your level of experience.

Exhibiting artists include Luca Altamore, Ron Bullions, Simon Butcher, Klaus Clemens, Ashley Cooper, Harsha Gautam, Colleen Harris, Amanda Hitchens, Ben Knight, Justin Martin, Brigid Reid, Clair Reynolds, Penelope Robertshawe, Sharon Wiley and Maggs Wilson.

For some of these artists, this is the first time they have had the opportunity to exhibit within an exhibition space, such as the Ironbark Gallery. Being a part of this group exhibition, all artists liaised with the Gallery Curator, refining a body of work to present in the best possible format, within a limited amount of space. Proving to be challenging for some, this method of working encouraged each artist to focus on how and what it is they wish to present. Each artist met with the Gallery Curator in the exhibition space, bringing with them printing samples of various photographs, on different papers, and various sizes in-turn laying them out within the Gallery, to see how each works and speaks to the other. Discussion, encouragement and suggestions were generated by fellow artists during this creative process.

“This exhibition presents contemporary images from a group of artists as they work to unlock, explore, and define their photographic journey. For this exhibition, each photographer has spent months or years putting together a series of photos that highlight an area of personal interest. They have challenged themselves, not just to tell a story in their imagery, but also to reveal a bit of how they see the world.” Ben Knight, exhibiting artist and Treasurer, Inner West Photographic Society.

Please see this PDF for more details



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