And so it came to pass that after a busy and successful year it was time to gather one more time for an evening of dining and socialising – and of course to find out who the winners were for our various awards.
Once the comestibles were consumed it was time for Monica to deliver the news we had all been waiting for. The announcement of the Top Shot winners came first and they were revealed to be as follows:
Small Prints | Rob Goodall for Coogee Surprise |
Large Prints | Jim Wilson for Resting Maccaw |
Digital Images | Rob Goodall for Classic Toy Car |
The Top Shot Winners share the honour of having their images feature on our Home Page for the next 12 months.
Next it was the turn for the points winners to be acknowledge in each of the categories:
Small Prints | Ashley Cooper |
Large Prints | Ben Knight |
Digital Images | Jim Wilson |
There was one new award made for the first time and this was to the first year club member with the highest points tally. Our inaugural winner was:
First Year Entrant | Adit Tuladhar |
With the awards all done by Monica it was time for one final presentation – this time to Monica. This consisted of two books of photographs as a token of appreciation for her tireless work as President of the Club for the last three years. Many thanks Monica, for a job well done!
And that wraps it up for 2014. Best wishes to all our members and fellow travels for the the festive season and we hope to see you all back in the New Year ready to be inspired.