Calling all IWPS members – We need you to apply your imagination and test you image creation skills!
Our new-look web site contains a "featured image" in the header on each page. At the moment these are pretty much a random assortment, mostly of no particular merit and no relationship to the subject of the page.
We invite all IWPS members to apply themselves to submitting images that somehow "fit" the topic of each page. The only strict requirement is that they be sized to 1024 x 268 pixels, at 72dpi, and no more than about 250KB. These dimensions don't mean that is has to be a panorama; a crop of the most interesting part of a larger image is fine – no harm in having a hint of mystery about it!
So how does an image "fit" the topic of a page? Well that's open to a fairly broad interpretation and a touch of humour doesn't hurt. For example, for "Contact Us" you might have an image of someone using a loud hailer, or two people using tin cans connected by string! 🙂
So it is over to you, just email your results to the Webmaster.