Portrait of a Photographic Career

Our July meeting drew a good crowd of existing members, two new recruits (Kevin and Nitish) and two guests (Jennie and Enoch) to hear our guest speaker, Dayna Patterson. It turns out that Dayna is new to the club lecture circuit herself, as she gave a bright and engaging account of her gradual progression into the job of wedding and family portrait photography.

Dayna talked both of the practical side of her job, such as what type of lenses and flashes she uses, as well as the training and influences that have shaped her career. She spoke honestly about lessons learned the hard way and more positive experiences. One such interesting exercise had been to photograph the same person for 40 days in a row to experiment with different techniques, situations and lighting.

During the evening Dayna mentioned a number of photographers whose work she admired or who had influenced her style. These included Jonas Peterson, Marcus Bell, Susan Stripling and Tim Coulson. It was a very interesting and informative evening.