Streets Ahead

Our competition theme for July was Street Stories, which, as well as attracting the customary number of prints, drew a near record number of digital entries. The judge for the occasion was FCC Treasurer Russell Field, who was concise and helpful with his evaluation of, and suggestions for, the images on offer. Russell also explained that an emotional attachment to some of your own images is not diminished by the opinions of judges, who necessarily do not share that same attachment.

Russell was strict in applying his definition of the theme to the entries, commenting that although some were very good images in their own right, they did not really represent Street Stories. At the end of the night eight Merits were awarded: Ashley (x3), Jim (x3), Adit and Pat.

This month's Members' Choice winners were as follows:

Small Prints – Ashley for Tired Dancer 07CooperA-TiredDancer
Large Prints – Rob for Dark Lane 07RGoodall-DarkLane
Digital – Ashley for Latin Dancers 07CooperA-LatinDancers